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"I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as I've become. If I had, I'd have done it a lot earlier."
To be able to let your TRUE self be seen? Without fear. Without shame. Without the need to apologize?
Do I want to live an authentic life?
Do I want to be free from the opinions of others?
Do I always feel like I'm wearing a mask when I'm around others?
Would my life be better if I was living an authentic, joyful, free life?
Be smarter, like her.
Be well-behaved, like him.
Speak up, quiet down, study this, don’t go there, work harder, take it easy…
It’s like living in a cage. We desperately want to break out.
To be free. To let our true selves shine forth.
To discover our authentic selves and develop a healthy self-concept.
To stop living someone else’s life and start your OUR
But we don’t know how.
We feel stuck. Caged. Imprisoned by fear of others.
A way to break free, spread our wings, and experience the joy of the authentic life?
Now there is...
How to shed the harmful expectations of others
How to discover who YOU truly are [and NOT who others want you to be]
How to UNLOCK your true passions
How to build UNSHAKABLE self-esteem [that no one else can tear down...]
How to let go of mistakes and learn to ACCEPT yourself [and finally move on]
How to EMBRACE your individuality
How to LOVE yourself [with all your strengths and weaknesses]
How to FIND your life purpose and stop wandering from thing to thing
How to show the world the REAL you without fear of what they'll think
How to shape and create the JOYFUL life you've always wanted by living authentically
And so much more!
In 20 years, you could look back at today as the first day your
true self blossomed.
When you were set free.
When you stopped being what OTHERS wanted and became the person you were DESTINED to be.
This is your moment.
The key to the cage has been given to you. You can either open the cage or throw it away.
You could try to learn all this on your own, but it would require hours upon hours of reading and research.
You wouldn’t have the guidance of a trusted expert.
And you wouldn’t really know if you were making progress.
Or you could be taken by the hand and guided on this life changing journey.
Which will it be?
You’ll learn how to have a true understanding of who you are. You’ll find your personal identity, discover your deeply cherished values, and learn how to tap into your deepest passions.
The journey to authenticity begins with understanding yourself, finding out who you want to be, and then charting the way forward.
Once you understand yourself, you’ll give your self-concept a full makeover.
You’ll discover the power of reevaluating your past, building and maintaining unshakable self-esteem, being proactive about increasing your satisfaction in life, and determining who you really want to be.
It’s a beautiful thing to accept yourself without judgment. In this powerful section, you’ll learn what it means to find true self-acceptance.
You’ll come to terms with who you really are, let go of your past mistakes, and learn to forgive yourself. You’ll break free from those crippling self-doubts, eliminate your negative self-image, and learn the power of constructing a healthy self-image.
Only when you learn to love yourself can you begin to love others. You’re going to finally learn how to embrace your individuality and stop desperately seeking the approval of others.
You’ll learn how to avoid the fatal flaw of comparing yourself to others and the power of believing in yourself. Finally, you’ll learn how to love your body, emotional self, intellectual self, and spiritual self.
Through a series of revealing self-questions, you’ll unlock your true life purpose. You’ll also tap into the power of writing and meditation to help you find out what you should focus on for your life purpose.
You’ll learn how to make your purpose an integral part of your life and you’ll discover the amazing benefits of finding your life purpose.
In this final section, you’ll leverage everything your learned so you can live authentically. You’ll dare to be yourself, reveal your true personality, and find the courage to express your feelings.
You’ll present yourself honestly, unlock the power of your inner voice, and develop the courage to create originality. To top it all off, you’ll create a compelling vision of the future for yourself.
6 modules with 49 lessons to lead you on the journey of authenticity ($1,000 value).
Additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you’ve learned ($299 value).
Module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points ($149 value)
A thorough understanding of who you truly are (PRICELESS).
Priority email support.
Create the authentic life you KNOW you were always meant to live.
Become a more authentic friend, child, parent, or coworker.
FINALLY stop beating yourself up over past mistakes.
Learn to start LOVING who you are (and not be dragged by what others think of you).
STOP pretending to be something you’re not...and be the REAL you.
To become the authentic you?
QUESTIONS? EMAIL: [email protected]
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All information is encrypted and transmitted without risk using a Secure Sockets Layer protocol.
Rob Scott, #theforgivenessguy, comes from a broken family, which is all too common in today’s world. After watching his parents’ marriage fall apart, and essentially being treated like Cinderella as the new family came in, he harbored a lot of pain and anger growing up.
This traumatic experience created a burning desire in him to help others avoid the same struggles. He became a coach at heart and many of his friends would come to him for advice on improving their relationships with others. Encouraged by the success his friends experienced from his natural wisdom and insight, his passion for helping others became a lifelong pursuit.
This pursuit started with him realizing that he spent too much energy caring what others thought of him and not enough time learning about what made him come alive. Forgiveness was a key to his journey and he helps others overcome some of the toughest hurdles in their journey to living authentically
> There are no prerequisites for this course. It’s open to anyone who wants to increase their satisfaction in life by learning to be authentic.
> Your success in this course depends on your willingness to take action. Take the time to do the suggested self-reflections and exercises.
> You’ll find out what it is to live authentically.
> You’ll discover a lot about yourself and how you got that way.
> You’ll learn how to accept yourself and love yourself just the way you are.
> You’ll understand your own value and what you have to offer the world.
> You’ll boost your self-confidence.
> You’ll develop the courage to be yourself around others.
> You’ll discover your passions and how to enjoy them in your daily life.
> You’ll see how you can structure your life around what matters most to you.
By living authentically, you can simplify your life, reduce stress,
strengthen your relationships, build a more satisfying career, and increase your happiness and fulfillment in life.
Those who want to be themselves around others, increase their self-esteem, build their confidence, and live their life according to what’s important to them (not someone else)
Remember, for only $499 you’re getting…
> 6 modules with 49 lessons to lead you on the journey of authenticity ($1,000 value).> Additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you’ve learned ($299 value).
> Module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points ($149 value).
> A thorough understanding of who you truly are (PRICELESS).
> Priority email support.
Will this actually work? Yes, it absolutely will.
In fact, I’m willing to GUARANTEE it. If you take action on the materials and don’t find yourself living a more authentic life, I’ll refund your money.
This 30-day action takers guarantee ENSURES that all the risk is on me. If these materials don’t empower you to unlock your authentic self, I’ll refund your money.
It’s ALL reward, NO risk
QUESTIONS? EMAIL: [email protected]
We hate SPAM and we promise to keep your information safe.
All information is encrypted and transmitted without risk using a Secure Sockets Layer protocol.
In your corner,
Rob Scott
Head Coach
Contact Us!